About This Archive

The Hopkins Tibetan Treasures Archive is a unique digital archive donated to Dharma Drum Buddhist College by Jeffrey Hopkins, Emeritus Professor of the University of Virginia. Professor Hopkins, a leading scholar of Tibetan Buddhism, was the English language interpreter for ten years for Tenzin Gyatso, the Fourteenth Dalai Lama (bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho, b.1935). He has published over forty books about Tibetan Buddhism, using this archive of recordings as a primary research resource.

The Hopkins Archive was begun in 1968 with reel-to-reel magnetic tape on an Uher portable recorder. Since then the media has changed but the archive is still maintained. It now consists of over three thousand hours of authentic oral transmission on many scholarly and cultural aspects of Tibetan Buddhism, including many traditional Buddhist philosophical topics, Tibetan medicine, Tibetan history, and so forth. The archive includes four hundred hours of teachings by the Fourteenth Dalai Lama and thousands of hours of teachings by numerous lamas of the last generation of Buddhist scholars to be thoroughly trained in Tibet.

The archive is primarily in the Tibetan language, but portions are English or Tibetan with English translation provided by Hopkins.

The archive includes a search function for keywords, series titles, and the many texts discussed in the archive. Currently only portions of the archive are offered to the public. An associated archive for Gomang Monastic College materials and materials from Colleges other than Gomang now exists at Jeffrey Hopkins' Uma Institute Gomang Multimedia Educational Project.

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